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Journal Publications
  1. Vieira, L., Mordechai, H. S., Sharabi, M., Tipper, J. L., & Tavakoli, J. (2024). Stress relaxation behavior of the transition zone in the intervertebral disc. Acta Biomaterialia.

  2. Aharonov, A., Sofer, S., Bruck, H., Sarig, U., & Sharabi, M. (2024). Unveiling the Mechanical Role of Radial Fibers in Meniscal Tissue: Toward Structural Biomimetics. Acta Biomaterialia.‏ 

  3. Musenich, L., Berardengo, M., Avalle, M., Haj-Ali, R., Sharabi, M., & Libonati, F. (2024). Anisotropic mechanical and sensing properties of carbon black-polylactic acid nanocomposites produced by fused filament fabrication. Smart Materials and Structures.‏ 

  4. Sharabi, M., Agron, R., Dolev, A., Haj-Ali, R., & Yassin, M. (2024). Predictive Refined Computational Modeling of ACL Tear Injury Patterns. Bioengineering, 11(5), 413.

  5. Shteinberg G., Haj-Ali R., Libonati F., &  Sharabi M., (2024) Plant Biomimetic Principles of Multifunctional Soft Composite Development: A Synergistic Approach Enabling Shape Morphing and Mechanical Robustness, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 10 (6), 3707-3717 DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c01163.

  6. Sharon, S; Aharonov, A; Mordechai, H. S; Tavakoli, J & Sharabi, M. (2023) Collagen-based micro/nano fibrous constructs: Step-by-step reverse biomimetics of structure and mechanical function ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 5, 4, 2816–2829. 

  7. Mordechai, H. S., Aharonov, A., Sharon, S. E., Bonshtein, I., Simon, C., Sivan, S. S., & Sharabi, M. (2023). Toward a mechanically biocompatible intervertebral disc: Engineering of combined biomimetic annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus analogs. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A.‏

  8. Mirzaeipoueinak, M., Mordechai, H. S., Bangar, S. S., Sharabi, M., Tipper, J. L., & Tavakoli, J. (2023). Structure-function characterization of the transition zone in the intervertebral disc. Acta Biomaterialia.‏

  9. Aharonov, A., Mordechai, H. S., Sharon, S. E., & Sharabi, M. (2023). The mechanical behavior of silk-fibroin reinforced alginate hydrogel biocomposites-Toward functional tissue biomimetics. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 138, 105598.‏

  10. Cyril, D., Giugni, A., Bangar, S. S., Mirzaeipoueinak, M., Shrivastav, D., Sharabi, M.,Tipper, J.& Tavakoli, J. (2022). Elastic fibers in the intervertebral disc: From form to function and toward regeneration. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(16), 8931

  11. Frenkel, D.*, Ginsbury E.* & Sharabi, M. The Mechanics of Bioinspired Stiff-to-Compliant Multi-Material 3D-Printed Interfaces, (2022). Biomimetics. Special issue: Advances in Biomimetics, Invited. 7, (4), 170.

  12. Sharabi M.*, Karnibad M.*, Lavon K., Morany A., Hamdan A. & Haj-Ali R.. The effect of fibrocalcific pathological process on aortic valve stenosis in female patients:  a finite element study. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, (2022). 8(2), 025017.

  13. Sharabi M. Structural Mechanisms in Soft Fibrous Tissues: A Review. (2022) Front. Mater. 8:793647. doi: 10.3389/fmats.2021.793647

  14. Sharabi M.*, Wertheimer S.*, Shelah O., Lesman A., & Haj-Ali R.. Bio-Composites Reinforced with Unique Coral Collagen Fibers: Towards Biomimetic-Based Small Diameter Vascular Grafts. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2021) 104526

  15. Sharabi M., Wagner DH,. Structural biomimetics in soft synthetic composite materials: A proof-of-concept alginate-polyamide soft hierarchical composite. Express polymer letter, (2021), 15(8).

  16. Roy, P. K., Shoval, S., Sharabi, M., & Bormashenko, E.. Soft lithography with liquid marbles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2020) 607, 125488.‏

  17. Sharabi M., Wertheimer S., Wade K. R, Galbusera R, Benayahu D., Wilke H-J. and Haj-Ali R. Towards intervertebral disc engineering: bio-mimetics of form and function of the annulus fibrosus lamellae (2019), Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 94, 298-307.

  18. Sopher R. S, Tokash H., Natan S., Sharabi M., Shelah O., Tchaicheeyan O, and Lesman A., Nonlinear elasticity of the extracellular matrix fibers facilitates efficient inter-cellular mechanical communication. Biophysical journal (2018), 115 (7), 1357-1370.

  19. Sharabi M., Levi-Sasson A., Wolfson R., Wade K. R, Galbusera R, Benayahu D., Wilke H-J. and Haj-Ali R. The mechanical role of the radial fibers network within the annulus fibrosus of the lumbar intervertebral disc: a finite elements study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (2019), 141.2. 021006

  20. Sharabi M., Wade K. R., Galbusera F., Rasche V., Haj-Ali R. and Wilke H-J. Three- dimensional microstructural reconstruction of the intervertebral disc using ultra-high field MRI. The spine journal (2018). 18(11), 2119-2127.

  21. Benayahu D., Sharabi M., Pomeraniec L., Awad L. Haj-Ali R. and Benayahu Y., Unique collagen fibers for biomedical applications. Marine drugs Journal (2018), 16(4), 102. 

  22. Sharabi M., Varssano D., Eliasy R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R., Mechanical flexure behavior of bio-inspired collagen-reinforced thin composites (2016), Composite Structures, 153, 392-400.

  23. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., Issacs J., and Haj-Ali R., Laminated Collagen-based bio-composites for tailor designed soft tissue mimetics. Composites Science and Technology (2015), 117, 268-276.

  24. Sharabi M., Mandelberg Y., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., Azem A. and Haj-Ali R., A new class of bio-composite materials of unique collagen fibers. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials (2014), 36, 71-81.

- Albert Einstein -

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." 


Book Chapters
  1. Sharabi M. Wilke H-J. and Haj-Ali R., Chapter 5: Vertebral bone. In: Biomechanics of the Spine. pp. 71-87, Editors Hans-Joachim Wilke and Fabio Galbusera, Elsevier (2018),

  2. Sharabi M. Wade K. R. and Haj-Ali R., Chapter 7: The role of collagen fibers. In: Biomechanics of the Spine. pp. 105-123, Editors Hans-Joachim Wilke and Fabio Galbusera, Elsevier. (2018),

  1. Haj-Ali R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., Sason-Levi A., Sharabi M. Composites comprising collagen extracted from sarcophyton sp. Coral US9821089B2, US Grant (2017)

  2. Haj-Ali R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., Sason-Levi A., Sharabi M. Composites comprising collagen extracted from sarcophyton sp. Coral EP2812039B1, EP Grant (2018)0.1016/C2016-0-04439-X

Conference Talks
  1. Sharabi M. Tel Aviv, Israel, “What can we learn from nature’s soft composite materials?” IPPS50- the 50th Conference of The Israeli Polymers and Plastics Society. Invited. Tel Aviv, Israel, 2024

  2. Sharabi M. Tel Aviv, Israel, “Biomimetics of soft materials: Structure- Mechanical function relationship from human tissues to plants” Innovation inspired by nature - academia and industry. Invited. Tel Aviv, Israel, 2023

  3. Sharabi M. Tel Aviv, Israel, “Structural mechanisms in nature-based materials and tissues structure-function relationship” Israel Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2021). Invited. Tel Aviv, Israel, 2021

  4. Sharabi M. "Structural mechanisms in soft fibrous tissues: lessons from biomimetics”. European society of biomechanics (ESB2022), Porto, Portugal, 2022.

  5. Sharabi M. and Haj-Ali R. "Bio-mimetic soft composite materials and structures", Mechanics of Biomaterial and Tissues (MOBT 2019), Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA, 2019.

  6. Agron R., Dolev A., Yassin M. Haj-Ali R., and Sharabi M., "Towards bio-mimetics of the anterior cruciate ligament using collagen fiber reinforced bio-composites", The 5th Conference of the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering  (ISBE 2019), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2019.

  7. Sharabi M., "Structure-function in bone: numerical simulations" The European Calcified Tissue Society conference (ECTS 2019), Budapest, Hungary, 2019.

  8. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R. "Novel bio-composite materials and constructs based on unique collagen fibers for soft tissue bio-mimetics", International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials (ICNB 2017), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017.

  9. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R.  "Long collagen fibers reinforced bio-composites for tailor-designed mechanical behavior of soft tissues".  European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2017), Seville, Spain, 2017.

  10. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R. Long collagen fibers reinforced bio-composite laminates and constructs, 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2016

  11. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R.  Collagen fiber bio-composite laminates and constructs.  5th International Conference "Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems” (CIMTEC 2016), Perugia, Italy, 2016.

  12. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  Mechanical behavior of soft bio-composite laminated constructs.  The 17th Israel materials engineering conference, (IMEC17), Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2016.

  13. Sharabi M., Varssano D., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  Cornea bio-inspired constructs based on oriented long collagen fibers bio-composites.  The 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2015) Glasgow, Scotland, 2015.

  14. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  A new class of bio-composite materials with soft-coral long collagen fibers.  The Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (ISMBE2015) Haifa, Israel, 2015.

  15. Sharabi M. and Haj-Ali R. Biocomposite materials of unique collagen fibers, ICME 2012, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2012.

  16. Sharabi M., Benayahu D. and Haj-Ali R. Biocomposite materials of unique collagen fibers, 2nd TAU Biophysics students conference, Nazareth, Israel, 2012

Conference Posters
  1. Sofer S., Aharonov A. Sharabi M. and Sarig U.  Print-Pause-Bioprint: Developing a ‘Quick and Dirty’ Multi-Material DLP Bioprinting Method that Instantly Interfaces Microfluidics with Bioprinted Tissues, Advances in 3D Bi-printing, Technion, Haifa, Israel. September 2023

  2. Sharabi M., “Biomimetics of structural motifs in soft Fibrous tissues”. CMBBE2023, Paris, France, May 2023.

  3. Aharonov A. & Sharabi M. “Biomimetics of the meniscus tissue: structure and function relationship”, CMBBE2023, Paris, France, May 2023.

  4. Shteinberg G. & Sharabi M. “Morphing in plant tissues: biomimetics of structure and function”. CMBBE2023, Paris, France, May 2023.

  5. Levy A. and Sharabi M. Morphing in soft composite materials for biomedical aplications. Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2019), Haifa, Israel, 2019.

  6. Hazan S., Idan R., Wertheimer S., Haj-Ali R., Avrahami I, and Sharabi M. New flow system for compliance testing of collagen fibers reinforced bio-composites for small-diameter tissue engineered blood vessels. Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2019), Haifa, Israel, 2019.

  7. Wertheimer S., Shelah O., Sharabi M., Lesman A., and Haj-Ali R. Bio-composites based on unique coral collagen fibers towards tissue-engineered bold-vessels. Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2019), Haifa, Israel, 2019.

  8. Sopher R. S., Tokash H., Natan, S., Sharabi M., Shelah O., Tchaicheeyan O., and Lesman A., Nonlinear Elasticity of the fibers contained in the ECM Facilitates Efficient Inter-Cellular Mechanical Signaling, Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2019), Haifa, Israel, 2019.

  9. Sharabi M. and Wagner DH, Bio-mimetics of Structural Micro-mechanisms in Soft Composite Materials, Architectured Material Mechanics (AMM), IUTAM, Chicago, IL, USA, 2018.

  10. Sharabi M., Wertheimer S., Shelah O., Haj-Ali R. and Lesman A., Bio-composites Based on Coral Collagen Fibers for Tissue Engineering, Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2018), Haifa, Israel, 2018.

  11. Sopher R. S., Tokash H., Sharabi M., Tchaicheeyan O., and Lesman A., Nonlinear Elasticity of Biological Fibrous Networks Facilitates Efficient Inter-Cellular Mechanical Signaling, Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2018), Haifa, Israel, 2018.

  12. Mann A., Koren Y., Sopher R., Sharabi M. and Lesman A. Computational modeling of cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. Frontiers in single molecule biophysics meeting 2017, Neve Ilan hotel, Israel, 2017.

  13. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R.  Novel biocomposite materials and constructs based on unique collagen fibers for soft tissue bio-mimetics. MOST Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016

  14. Sharabi M., Awad L., Benayahu Y., Haj-Ali R. and Benayahu D., A bio-composite based on long collagen fibers scaffold for mimicking intervertebral disc structure, Israel Society of Skeletal Biology and Medicine (ISSBM(, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016.

  15. Sharabi M., Haj-Ali R., Non-Destructive Piezo-resistive Testing Devices for Self-Health Damage Monitoring of Composite Structures, Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP 2016), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016.

  16. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  A new class of bio-composite materials with soft-coral long collagen fibers.  The Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering conference (ISMBE2015) Haifa, Israel, 2015.

  17. Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  A new class of bio-composite materials with soft-coral long collagen fibers.  Nanocomposites & Biocomposites (COMPO2014) Rehovot, Israel, 2015.


BCMM Lab, Ariel University

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